A first look at the Imperial War Museum’s two new permanent exhibitions by Design Week

It was a pleasure to show Design Week's Molly Long around the Holocaust Galleries


"Contrary to other exhibition spaces on the same topic around the world, Casson Mann has opted for a bright, spacious approach to start...indicative of the fact these atrocities happened in the daylight."

"Materials are a strong thread throughout the exhibition – as the Third Reich begins to fall, the space destructs as well. Plinths holding objects, for example, are broken down. A room dedicated to death camps uses improvised materials like untreated wood and barbed wire, to reflect the improvised nature of the establishments.

A strong division between persecutors and the persecuted is made throughout the narrative. In graphics, the “perpetrator voice” appears in a typeface made from an imprint of Arthur Seyss-Inquart’s typewriter. Seyss-Inquart was Nazi governor of the Netherlands."

To read the full review by Molly Long of Design Week read here

View project:

The Holocaust Galleries
Imperial War Museum, London
The Holocaust Galleries
Imperial War Museum, London
The Holocaust Galleries
Imperial War Museum, London
Opening soon
The Holocaust Galleries
Imperial War Museum, London
Opening soon